Heart-Centered Coaching
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking which created them.
~ Albert Einstein
On the shore of life, we are exposed to many things. It's where most of our learning takes place. We accumulate ideas, data, information, and concepts and become exposed to theories, modalities, and philosophies, mostly based on others' findings and beliefs. The subsequent conditionings and solidified identities shape the quality of our lives.
In the context of religion and spirituality, we too inherit much from what has come before us. Along the way, a small voice inside of us agrees with what we hear, yet this hearing is not the same as knowing. This discrepancy manifests itself as Divine Discontent and starts to seek wholeness. We experience this as a perpetual nagging inside us that shows up in many ways in our daily lives.
Inevitably, there comes a time when our hearts start to thirst for more. It longs to grow to its fuller capacities, and potentialities, based on its infinite capabilities adherent to its Divine essence. At this pivotal point, it longs to set on a journey through the Ocean of Experience towards its goal, the Truth. This is the beginning of the spiritual path with the heart.
Kabir Helminski once asked a dervish, "Do we ever reach a point when we no longer need to be loved? "Yes, when we love," he replied.
Our heart shifts its focus from needing to find love and be loved to being Love and simply Loving on this journey. For it no longer revolves around nor is informed by the pathological models of the false self. It does not busy itself with conforming to the society's fleeting norms one happens to be surrounded by.
Our true essence is a formless and pure light that is clothed in a layer of personhood. As we go through life and forget about our hearts and allow the uninformed ego to develop, it starts to feel like the clothing is shrinking, suffocating the light and the heart. Of course, nothing can suffocate the light and the heart, but it feels this way in our bodies and minds. Yet, this sense of tightness and suffocation acts as the last straw that brings us to the Path of the Heart, allowing us to unbutton this tightened shirt for our souls to breathe again. This is the moment of remembrance, homecoming, and metanoia.
What Is Heart-Centered Coaching and How It Works
Heart-centered coaching brings attention to the light of our being. It includes and holistically transcends the clothing, knowing clearly that our essence is vast and infinite. Changing our clothing will not result in transformation, for change and transformation are two very different processes. Change by nature is impermanent, yet transformation is the alchemical process working on the energetical level based on our manifested world.
Heart-centered is not merely a concept nor a modality. It is filled with practical and experiential tools used for being in touch with all aspects of one's heart and be directly guided through its wisdom and art of discernment on this journey called life. It includes and transcends. Thus, its post-methodological pathless path mirrors the perennial principles of all authentic spiritual traditions.
It is for those longing to have all aspects of their lives connected to and guided by sacredness. It's the path of unity and not fragmentation. It is a way of homecoming and not a never-ending search outside of ourselves.
Heart-Centered Coaching believes that true healing and cognition arise from our heart's roots through the universal energy field, holistic experiences, association with higher frequencies, greater coherency, consistency, concentration, dedication, integrity, honesty, harmony, and love.
Heart-Centered Coaching is neither counseling, psychotherapy, nor a modality inherited from and defined by society, books, institutions, and acquired degrees. It's a wisdom that arises freely in a human heart beyond the confines of human-made modalities and fleeting ideas and projections on a human being.
- Pouria Montazeri​